Tuesday, November 26, 2019

2019 Bowman Draft Ultimate Brewers Checklist and Gallery

2019 Bowman Draft
Base, Sky Blue #/499, Purple #/250, Blue #/150, Green #/99, Gold #/50, Orange #/25 (Jumbo), Red #/5, Black 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1
BD-28 Ethan Small
BD-32 Thomas Dillard
BD-36 Antoine Kelly
BD-130 Brice Turang

Base,  Refractor, Sky Blue #'d, Purple #/250, Sparkles, Blue #/150, Green #/99, Gold #/50, Orange #/25, Red #/5, SuperFractor 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1
BDC-28 Ethan Small
BDC-32 Thomas Dillard
BDC-36 Antoine Kelly
BDC-130 Brice Turang

Chrome Draft Pick Autographs
Base, Refractor #/499, Purple #/250, Blue #/150, Blue Wave #/150, Green #/99, Black #/75, Sparkles #71, Gold #/50, Gold Wave #/50, Orange #/25, Red #/5, Red Wave #/5, Black Wave 1/1, SuperFractor 1/1, Printing Plates 1/1
CDA-AK Antoine Kelly
CDA-ES Ethan Small

Class of 2019 Autographs
Base #/250, Gold #/50, Red #/5, SuperFractor 1/1
C19A-ES Ethan Small

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

2019 Topps Gallery Ultimate Brewers Checklist and Gallery

2019 Topps Gallery (Walmart Exclusive)
Base, Artist Proof, Player Private Issue, Wood (Brown) Borader, Green #/99, Blue #/50, Orange #/50, Printing Plates #/1
53 Keston Hiura RC
62 Christian Yelich
74 Josh Hader
167 Lorenzo Cain SP

Base, Green #/99, Blue #/50, Orange #/25, Red #/1
53 Keston Hiura
62 Christian Yelich
74 Josh Hader

Hall of Fame Gallery Autographs
HOFA-RY Robin Yount

Hall of Fame Gallery
Base, Green #/250, Blue #/99, Orange #/25, Red #/1
HOFG-16 Robin Yount

Base, Green #/250, Blue #/99, Orange #/25, Red #/1
HT-17 Christian Yelich

IM-16 Christian Yelich

Master and Apprentice
Base, Green #/250, Blue #/99, Orange #/25, Red #/1
MA-YY Robin Yount/Christian Yelich

Base, Green #/250, Blue #/99, Orange #/25, Red #/1
MP-14 Christian Yelich

Oversized Base Card Box Toppers
OBT-CY Christian Yelich

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

2019 Topps Holiday Ultimate Brewers Checklist and Gallery

2019 Topps Holiday (Walmart Mega Box)
Base, Metallic Snowflake, Gold Metallic Snowflake #/1
HW43 Keston Hiura RC
HW61 Orlando Arcia
HW72 Christian Yelich
HW119 Lorenzo Cain
HW134 Yasmani Grandal
HW193 Josh Hader

Variation Short Prints
HW43 Keston Hiura
HW72 Christian Yelich

Rare Variation Short Prints
HW72 Christian Yelich

Super Rare Variation Short Prints
HW72 Christian Yelich

Base, Metallic Snowflake, Gold Metallic Snowflake #/1
WHA-CY Christian Yelich
WHA-KH Keston Hiura

Holiday Relics Autographs
WHHR-CY Christian Yelich

Relic Autographs
Base, Metallic Snowflake, Gold Metallic Snowflake #/1
WHAR-KH Keston Hiura

Holiday Relics
Base, Metallic Snowflake, Gold Metallic Snowflake #/1
WHHR-CY Christian Yelich

2019 Topps Chrome Update Ultimate Brewers Checklist and Gallery

2019 Topps Chrome Update
Base, Refractors #/250, Pink Refractors, X-Fractors #/199, Purple Refractors, Blue Refractors #/150, Green Refractors #/99, Gold Refractors #/50,Orange Refractors #/25,Red Refractors, Printing Plates, Superfractors 
17 Yasmani Grandal
38 Keston Hiura RC
62 Keston Hiura RD
77 Christian Yelich AS

Base, X-Fractors, Gold Refractor, Orange Refractor, Red Refractor, SuperFractor
CUA-BW Brandon Woodruff

Rookie Debut Autographs
RDA-KH Keston Hiura